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Ilja Bílek

1948    Born Dec. 21,1948 in Liberec, Czechoslovakia
1965-69    Earned undergraduate degree in off-hand shaped hot glass at the Secondary
     School of Glassmaking in Železný Brod
1969-75    Graduate studies at Glass Studio with Prof. Stanislav Libenský, Academy of
     Applied Arts (VŠUP), Prague
1975-92    Glass designer of mould-melted sculpture and designs of hot-formed glass,     
     Železnobrodské sklo glassworks
1992-95           Freelance artist
1995 – 96    Instructor in Costume Jewelry, School of Art and Industry (SUPŠ) 
     in Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic
Since 1996    Head of Glass Studio, Department (Faculty) of Art and Design,
     J. E. Purkyně University (UJEP) in Ústí nad Labem
2004    Received Associate Professor status at the Academy of Art, Architecture
     and Design in Prague
2010    Granted the Chancellor of the University Prize for his artwork

source: iljabilek.com